CyberChair FAQ


The methods section should describe the experimental approach used to test the hypothesis/hypotheses. The level of detail you provide will depend, in large part, on the word limit allowed for the paper. In general, as with text for a manuscript, you should provide a brief overview, telling the audience your general experimental approach (e.g., whether you used microarray assays, whether your experiments were performed using a specific animal model or in cell culture, etc.). The text does not have to contain all the details of your experiments-many of them will be included in your poster or presentation, especially if the word count of the paper is limited.


Your report should include only the results of experiments you have already done, not what you plan to do in the future (but you can mention future experiments in the conclusion of your report). You should present a brief overview of the results obtained or general trends observed according to the experimental activities you have conducted: describe the most important and most significant results you have in more detail than the less curious ones.

Conclusions / Discussion.

Your report should end with a conclusion and/or conclusion that describes how your findings fit into the overall research theme you narrated in your abstract/introduction. Keep the conference audience in mind when writing your paper.

Extra Points. 

Unlike abstracts for a manuscript or other paper, scholars often prepare conference abstracts weeks or months in advance of submitting their results to the committee. This can make it difficult to choose what to include in the paper, since you may have experiments in the pipeline whose results are important to the thesis. At some conferences, abstracts may be updated at the last minute before the conference starts, giving you the opportunity to update your results and conclusions if necessary. If you cannot update your abstracts, it is often acceptable to include updated results in your poster or presentation. Additional information can even be described as promising directions you plan to pursue in your research.

When writing your abstract, keep in mind that this is the only information that conference attendees will receive about your research. Since the audience will be presented with an abstract of your paper that will allow them to determine whether they are interested in attending your presentation or talk, make sure that it is easy to read and successfully emphasizes the importance of the issue you are researching. This can be difficult when you are trying to work with a limited number of words, so focus on the most important findings and conclusions you are trying to convey in your abstract.
